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Corporate Extra-mobile
Corporate Extra
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  1. Contact Person
  2. Company Details
  3. Travel Tendency

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New Member

If you have not joined our program before, please click the new apply button.

Existing Member Contract Conversion

If you are an existing corprate reward member, please use your account number, password and captcha code to login for contract conversion.

Contact Person


* Fields marked with (*) are mandatory. Please do not use special characters; for example ' " % < > etc.

In case you forget your password, a password inquiry letter will be sent to you. Please make sure you input your email correctly.

*I (representing my company) agree to receive the latest news and promotion offers from China Airlines via email.

Company Details


* Fields marked with (*) are mandatory. Please do not use special characters; for example ' " % < > etc.


Travel Tendency


* Fields marked with (*) are mandatory. Please do not use special characters; for example ' " % < > etc.

* I (representing my company) certify that I have read and agreed the 「China Airlines Privacy Protection Policy」、「Terms and conditions」I certify that I agree to all the rules and terms and conditions.
Your application has been delivered
Your application has been sent to our relevant department. A designated representative will contact you. China Airlines reserves the right to decide whether the company can be accepted as the member of China Airlines Corporate Reward Program. Thanks for your application.
For membership renewal, each corporate member should to accumulate the following flown revenue within half a year (January to June or July to December), which will also be included into enrollment evaluation. a. TWD 200,000 or equivalent amount in USD for companies in Taiwan. Or, b. TWD 100,000 or equivalent amount in USD for companies outside of Taiwan.
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